Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
10-Jun-2021 | Commentary: Hierarchical reductionism approach to understanding adaptive variation in animal performance | Wearing, Oliver H; Scott, Graham R |
May-2020 | Coordinated changes across the O2 transport pathway underlie adaptive increases in thermogenic capacity in high-altitude deer mice | Tate, Kevin B; Wearing, Oliver H; Ivy, Catherine M; Cheviron, Zachary A; Storz, Jay F; McClelland, Grant B; Scott, Graham R |
Oct-2018 | Effects of hypoxia at different life stages on locomotory muscle phenotype in deer mice native to high altitudes | Nikel, Kirsten E; Shanishchara, Naman K; Ivy, Catherine M; Dawson, Neal J; Scott, Graham R |
3-Feb-2021 | Evolution and developmental plasticity of lung structure in high-altitude deer mice | West, Claire M; Ivy, Catherine M; Husnudinov, Renata; Scott, Graham R |
28-Sep-2022 | Evolved reductions in body temperature and the metabolic costs of thermoregulation in deer mice native to high altitude | Wearing, Oliver H; Scott, Graham R |
1-Sep-2021 | Exposure to wastewater effluent disrupts hypoxia responses in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) | Lau, Samantha C; Mehdi, Hossein; Bragg, Leslie M; Servos, Mark R; Balshine, Sigal; Scott, Graham R |
6-Jan-2018 | Metabolic Costs of Exposure to Wastewater Effluent Lead to Compensatory Adjustments in Respiratory Physiology in Bluegill Sunfish | Du, Sherry N N; McCallum, Erin S; Vaseghi-Shanjani, Maryam; Choi, Jasmine A; Warriner, Theresa R; Balshine, Sigal; Scott, Graham R |
26-Jun-2019 | Metabolic implications of exposure to wastewater effluent in bluegill sunfish | Du, Sherry N N; Choi, Jasmine A; McCallum, Erin S; McLean, Adrienne R; Borowiec, Brittney G; Balshine, Sigal; Scott, Graham R |
26-Jun-2018 | The Mitochondrial Basis for Adaptive Variation in Aerobic Performance in High-Altitude Deer Mice | Scott, Graham R; Guo, Kevin H; Dawson, Neal J |
1-Sep-2019 | Regulation of catecholamine release from the adrenal medulla is altered in deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) native to high altitudes | Scott, Angela L; Pranckevicius, Nicole A; Nurse, Colin A; Scott, Graham R |
2018 | Validation of a Pulse Oximetry System for High-Altitude Waterfowl by Examining the Hypoxia Responses of the Andean Goose (Chloephaga melanoptera) | Ivy, Catherine M; York, Julia M; Lague, Sabine L; Chua, Beverly A; Alza, Luis; McCracken, Kevin G; Milsom, William K; Scott, Graham R |
May-2018 | Validation of a Pulse Oximetry System for High-Altitude Waterfowl by Examining the Hypoxia Responses of the Andean Goose (Chloephaga melanoptera) | Ivy, Catherine M; York, Julia M; Lague, Sabine L; Chua, Beverly A; Alza, Luis; McCracken, Kevin G; Milsom, William K; Scott, Graham R |